
Adam Robinson's Publishing Genius imprint doesn't win this laurel because of its active web presence at the Everyday Genius blog, nor for the ongoing series of chapbooks from locals such as Lauren Bender and Stephanie Barber, or for its ingenious series of downloadable PDF series. . . .

Publishing Tycoon Adam Robinson wants to bring literature into the 21st century.

When news broke that Shane Jones was being picked up by Penguin, my first question to Jones was, How does your publisher feel about this?

Of course, now that I’ve got all these connections in Hollywood and with high powered NYC agents, har har, I’m getting a lot of submissions that I wasn’t getting a year ago and I’ve had to really change gears.

Posting isReads (lots of cool pictures)

Q: Why the internet?
A: The Internet makes it happen. I feel so enabled by the Internet. I have met people through the Internet that I am glad to know. I’m on the Internet right now! I AM ON THE INTERNET. It’s not fun for me though. It’s toilsome. For real. It hurts my head. Still, I love the Internet. Thank you Internet!

"I don't expect that by doing this I'm going to change anybody's life," says Robinson. "But for the ten seconds people stand in front of it, I hope they just kind of wonder about poetry again."

"This sense of adventure helps projects like Adam Robinson’s IsReads, an “outdoor poetry journal,” thrive. Robinson, a writer and poet, wanted to find a wider audience for the genre by removing it from the constraints of both bound pages and html. Instead, he prints out poems that he has selected for an issue and posts them all around town on electricity poles, vacant buildings, and fence posts."

Spike Jonze has acquired feature rights to Shane Jones' debut novel "Light Boxes" with Ray Tintori attached to direct.

Electric Literature
Fictionaut 5 10/27/10