Howie Good, Love Surrounds You Like a Posse in Bulletproof Vests [read] [print]
With twelve chapbooks already, Howie Good is out dropping jaws overtime. And he makes it seem easy, with lines like these, from "Sign":
How the crocuses
bustle about –
dumpy cafeteria ladies
in blue hairnets
I love the switch there, from "lovely garden"-type poetry to the ouch of "dumpy." Howie Good does a lot with just enough.
Publishing Genius is pleased to present 18 quiet, quickchange poems that comprise his latest collection, LOVE SURROUNDS YOU LIKE A POSSE IN BULLETPROOF VESTS. With this addition to Howie's goodness, I read to enjoy the care of poetry.
There are now four ways to get this Chapbook Genius:
Read on the screen (Simple, effective)
Read on a homemade staple stitch chapbook (Instructions for printing.)
Download from Smashwords (Great for devices)
Or you can order a copy for $5 (Paypal to
Andy Devine/Michael Kimball, As Day Same that The the Was Year [read] [print]
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Matt Jasper, The Tip of the Iceberg
Matthew Salesses, We Will Take What We Can Get [read] [print]
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Stephanie Barber, For a Lawn Poem [read] [print]
Zachary German/Adam Robinson, Screwing the System [read] [print (NA)]
Questions, or if you'd really like to place a print order: Contact PG.