At TriQuarterly, Danielle Burhop begins:
At the conclusion of Rachel Glaser’s first story collection, the reader finds herself blinking fast through a crowd of images: bears eat trash; fur ruffles in wind; candles “coy and shy their hot face.” The reader is left with the slimming of a soap bar into a sliver of itself, and with the impression that what constitutes narrative has just had its boundaries renegotiated.At KGBBar Lit Journal, Eric Felibe-Barkin begins:
If you’re our age and into fiction you have to act like there’s a lot of new stuff out there to know about – secret, underground literary things that are making things new again. There isn’t. It’s no one’s fault.At We Who Are About to Die, Ani Smith begins:
Dear Rachel,
Hi. I hope you are well. How is the weather in—actually, I don’t remember where you live. Because I like fiction and have difficulty concentrating on facts. I mean, sometimes I even think there is no proper difference. Fiction comes from brains and brains are tangible as facts, right?
WE ARE ALL GOOD reviewed.
At her blog, Erin McNellis wrote a wonderful review, expository review of WE ARE ALL GOOD IF THEY TRY HARD ENOUGH. She begins:
I am a scholar of, teacher of, student of, and writer of poetry. This constellation of identities means that when I pick up a new book of poetry, I turn into Robert fucking Langdon from the fucking Da Vinci Code: I look for correspondences, connections, patterns, “Symbology,” so that I can solve the book’s mystery and come up with a thesis clever enough to bring down the Catholic church. Mike Young’s We Are All Good If They Try Hard Enough stumped me for a long time.
And, wow, a beautiful, heartwarming overview of PG by Green Lantern, a collective/collection of artists and amigos in Chicago.
Publishing Genius is a publishing genius. A poetry and fiction press based in Baltimore they have consistently wowed with their eclectic, super fresh choices. They publish paperbacks, chapbooks and have an outdoor poetry posting project called isReads. All of the stuff is quality.Thanks a lot you people!