84 Pages 5 x 8.25"
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An early review at The Open End
The poems of Edward Mullany are both seeing things and “seeing things.” They are devices that help us help ourselves to all the mirages and illusions—and then some—that we know to be true.
Graham Foust, author of A Mouth in California
If one of art’s purposes is to revise our perceptions, then Mullany’s work excels. His powerful use of the short line well supports this challenge. Whether they begin with the surreal or mundane, his lyrics pare to essentials poetry’s central subjects—love, death, myth—through his confident vision and craft.
Martha Serpas, author of The Dirty Side of the Storm
As do the little bottles of scotch available on airplanes, these small, potent poems suspend us above the everyday. These deft gestures expose human quandaries without getting stuck in quandariness. They eschew excess—they don’t need it. They’re precise throughout without losing their mystery.
Connie Voisine, author of Rare High Meadow of Which I Might Dream
Edward Mullany grew up in Australia and the American Midwest. If I Falter at the Gallows is his first book.