Sasquatch Stories by Mike Topp

68 pages
4.5 x 7"
Cover art by Tao Lin
"Sea Nerd" by David Berman
Official release date 12/14/10
$10 US
available here for $8.25

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Advance praise from Gary Lutz
Mike Topp is a disablingly funny writer--a miniaturist of nervous precisions, our supreme abridger of metropolitan startlement and inner fidgetry. He dazes and graces us.

Advance praise from Paul Maliszewski
Mike Topp asked me to write a blurb for his book. I thought about it, but then decided Mike Topp should be writing his own blurbs. Nobody writes better in fewer words than Mike Topp. Nobody. Mike Topp creates worlds in seven words, sometimes six.

Other praise for Mike Topp from Eileen Myles
Just when I think Mike Topp’s poems are funny, they’re wise. Just when I think they’re wise, they’re bad. Just when I think they’re bad, they’re great. Mike Topp’s poems are exactly like the world.

About the book and Mike Topp, its author
Sasquatch Stories is a collection of poetry joke stories, each one better than the one before and after it. Mike Topp was born in Washington, D.C. He is currently living in New York City unless he has died or moved.

Anna Mockler's review at The Evergreen Review
Blake Butler interviews Mike Topp at HTMLGIANT
Another interview, at Qu3stions
A cheaper book by Mike Topp
A more expensive one, with user reviews!

Remember: Wash your keys!