The Disinformation Phase
poetry by Chris Toll
5.5 x 8.25" | 68 pages
$12 US ($10 pre-order)
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Official release date June 28, 2011
"His work is consistently strong mixing incredible depths of feeling and heartache with whimsy that crosses many galaxies." -Rupert Wondolowski
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Rupert Wondolowski's Shattered Wig Review
"The official release date for this book is June 28th and summer seems like an appropiate season for it. You can feel the ache of brutal winters past in these prayers to the skies, but there is a feeling of fresh urgency and rebirth to them; each one explodes with possible stories, possible new lives."
Dylan Kinnett's What Weekly Review
The Disinformation Phase "is populated by unusual imagery, from which the cover is derived, no doubt. The poetry is also populated by Toll’s startling inquisitions of the language. For example, in a poem entitled 'Why is Try in Poetry', the question is posed: “why is love backwards in evolve?” The title and that line are just two examples, among many, where Toll playfully examines the presence of one word within another."