We Are All Good If They Try Hard Enough by Mike Young

92 pages
5.5 x 8.25"
cover design by Mike Young and Rachel B. Glaser
cover art by Lyndsey Lesh
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Mike Young is also the author of Look! Look! Feathers (Word Riot Press 2010 -- see below to purchase together and save). He co-edits NOÖ Journal and Magic Helicopter Press. He lives in Northampton, MA and blogs at mikeayoung.blogspot.com.

Mike Young’s poetry is an absolute stunner. We Are All Good If They Try Hard Enough streams one intricate, scenery chewing, note perfect, balletic, swervy, mind blowing composition after another. These may be nothing but great poems, but I can’t think of a paragraph anywhere that can match them for style or cover their emotional distance.
Dennis Cooper

We Are All Good If They Try Hard Enough reveals the gestures & tics of common experience as portals to the sublime, the theoretical & the silly. These poems jumpcut like French New Wave & confide like a sinner, always trembling with energy, always trying to contain the tiltawhirl glamour of life & exploding.
Mathias Svalina

We are all good says the book, says the poet. The poet Mike Young is not afraid of marionberries or MySpace, Nyquil, or Dunkin’ Donuts or KFC, or a crucifix on wheels, or Gillis Beukel or Martha Stewart or Minnie Mouse, or Cheetos or Craigslist, or breast milk or milk duds or Cool Whip, or NASCAR or MMORPGs, or a theory of radical alterity or The Decemberists or Barry Bonds, or Arkansas or Crescent City, California. Oh my god, he is not afraid of Chuckie Cheese! This is a reckless, fearless poet we’re meeting, and I think we should all wish him safe travels. He reminds me of Marcel Proust. He is that greedy and that good.
Dara Wier

Also by Mike Young:
Look! Look! Feathers!, a collection of short stories, is forthcoming from Word Riot in December 2010.

“Mike Young is young and his song is real. This book is full of comedy, radiance and devastation.”
–Sam Lipsyte, author of The Ask

Check it out at Word Riot.

Buy We Are All Good with Look! Look! Feathers! (USA only):