Release Week Day 4

As release week continues, I'm delighted by how many poems are being excerpted in the reviews people are writing. Samples abound, and I kind of hope the whole book gets reproduced this way so that 10 years from now, enterprising college students won't have to buy the book from the school bookstore, but will be able to Google the poems and put the whole book together. I remember doing this for T.S. Eliot and Elizabeth Bishop.

So to help with that cause, here's another poem from the book -- one of my all time favorites, which was originally published in isReads (you can see photos of it there):
Silence in the Milky Way

A man

while a woman
who likes to knit

To me, much happens in those eleven words that can't be accounted for.

Mel Bosworth, in his review of the book at Outsider Writers Collective, notes the same effect, writing, "They’re filled, each of them, with an odd, grinning infinity, and with the booming magnificence of change."

He also says, "This book has fast become a favorite of mine because it isn’t simply for poets or fiction writers or mothers or shaggy sons . . ."

[Also enjoy release week Day 3, Day 2, Day 1 posts, where you can learn more about the book and its author.]