Today to celebrate the release of Edward Mullany's amazing collection, If I Falter at the Gallows, there is an interview with the author at NANO Fiction. In the fascinating and profound Q&A, I'm most struck by this nugget:
I don’t aim to write funny poems, but neither do I aim to write sad poems. I try to describe reality through the voices of people so stunned by their experience of reality that they see with a kind of insane clarity.That seems to be what many of the reviews of the book are responding to.
Today, why don't you pick up a copy of the book from our distributor, SPD?
And also, since it's Friday, what's say you take a minute to relax and check out Edward's paintings on display at his Tumblr site, The Other Notebook.
[Don't forget to tune in through Monday for more. Also enjoy release week Day 4, Day 3, Day 2, Day 1 posts, where you can learn more about the book and its author.]